all good comrade patients know the Party is all wise and so for years will have
been planning centrally via good old 5 year plans to address all NHS deficiencies
except their own inepitutude which cannot exist for they are perfect.
comrades the Party announces another increase in NHS productivity. There
must be a multitude of praises be due to Jeremy for delivering the “largest
ever” increase in something via this scheme an extra 1500 doctors. However
this is not the case. All that glitters is not gold. Study and think about the
630 will start basic first year pre clinical medical training this year 2018
which means in say 6 years’ time there will be in in August 2024 less than 630 new
doctors due to wastage say 10% a year as new house officers the most junior of
doctors now known as foundation doctors (trainees) or F1s. By our maffs that
means only possibly 334 new house officers, sorry comrades, F1 doctors will
come out of this first new medical school sausage machine.
that all of these last the course and that they all decide to become GPs with
no wastage this will only generate at best 334 new GPs in the year 2029. If you
read this article and assume that only 2 in 5 doctors go on to further
training with none taking time out and returning later this figure could be as
high as 134 at best by 2029 although others may appear later.
Of course the others in the full cohort will
start training in 2019 and 2020 so doing a similar exercise there will if, and
this is a very big if, they all became GPs they will come on stream as raw
recruits in 2030-31 but nowhere near 1500 new doctors possibly as few as 795
using the above methodology possibly less as we have assumed no wastage during
GP training.
1500 are doctors to be not doctors now.
shortage of doctors has been known about for years indeed decades, the
increasing and aging population ditto but only now does part of the TriPartite
alliance take some limited action which is merely an atom in the deep ocean of
NHS healthcare need. Too little, too late?
be to the Party for at long last realizing there is a problem which it has
denied for decades and for taking important action to address the situation and
crossing their fingers while doing so. Your new GP may see you in 2029-31 long
after a large number of your current GPs have left and Jeremy’s 5000 extra GPs
have failed to materialize in 2020.
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