Comrades, just before Christmas and following on from our last post on a
true triumph for Public Health the Party now has another healthcare achievement
to celebrate as it appears that we now have in the United Kingdom the fattest bastards in Europe.
Now comrades, being fat is not a crime, indeed most comrade patients
regard it as their right or even the norm and it is never, ever their own fault.
Of course the Party and its organ cited above will blame the lard epidemic on
those who daily force feed food into their patients’ own mouths namely their idle,
overpaid NHS healthcare professionals who do nothing else useful on a daily
basis but are paid millions for doing so.
You have to admire how comrade patients are so poorly served by their
healthcare professionals in the UK for all those who are overweight will have HAD
to PAY for eating THEIR OWN food (disgusting)
in contrast to their healthcare (not
worth paying for) which is a clear indication of what comrade patients
value most here in the UK.
Free healthcare sod it we don’t pay for it we will abuse it is free.
Cheap food bring it on and we will misuse it too its cheap (and the food companies care for us they have to do as we spend more
money with them per year than we pay for general practice services) and we
don’t have to book an appointment to abuse it. Just have to chuffing wait at the tills, disgusting when I could be smoking and watching daytime TV.
Supermarkets make money the NHS merely spends it.
Everyday those involved in
healthcare are trying to prevent this epidemic and do daily listen to the fat
bastards, giant haystacks and lardarses of this ill health epidemic (and of course their abuse towards those who
dare to challenge their unhealthy behaviour) as they all continue to take
the 5th amendment and say it is never, ever their own (self-inflicted) fault. How could it be as
the NHS is a no blame, self-preservation society completely free at the point
of abuse regardless of cost to the nonpaying punter or those who actually pay
taxes (on their food)?
Food is zero rated for VAT in the UK in contrast to tampons.
All those on the lard epidemic front line will be sick of hearing the lardarses’
triple of fake science excuses namely I
always eat healthily, I am always on the go and I never eat anything and
yet none of these comrade patient scientists has ever won a Nobel prize for
doing so. However they all get the booby prize physically at first but
ultimately the one we prefer the Reaper Reward for extreme obesity above and
beyond the call of idleness and greed personified.
If only healthcare was that simple and lucky for more often than not
they form a catalogue of chronic untreatable diseases all completely preventable
and ultimately resulting in numerous home visits to relatively young immobile patients
(before they die) except for the fact
that the patient is always in denial of the cause of the problem even though
they look at it each day in the mirror and in their kitchen and they think I am
an Adonis but my GP is a twat for telling me otherwise.
The food just found its way into my mouth, officer, I had no NHS Choice.
Obesity kills and injures just like weapons of war but it does so on the
quiet. It is not clever and fat bastards on wards and in general practice are
idle overeaters and just like smokers and drinkers expect the NHS to pick up
the health costs for their own selfish, self centred, self-inflicted destruction
and subsequent healthcare costs that all three groups leave behind them
wherever they go to the NHS.
But remember comrade the
non paying customer in the NHS is always right.
This healthcare detritus increases following their every mouthful of greedy
excess and puffs of destruction before being deposited like a ton of dung at
the point of ultimate abuse which is completely free to a nation of such abusers.
The NHS.
Their taxes in the form of duties do not cover their healthcare costs
but some of them claim to pay them and this they think justifies their
existence and misuse of the NHS. All of this is totally legal in the UK.
British society has become a nation of excuses for self-inflicted ill
health where anything wrong with a patient is never ever their own fault but
whenever a healthcare need is generated as a result it is always totally free
at the point of abuse so why bother to worry?
You can always blame someone else.
And get treated for free whatever,
Still Public Health England has a cunning plan so obesity will be over before Easter . . .
Praise be to the Party for yet another healthcare success to do Britain
proud that once again puts UK socialized medicine up at the top of another world
league table.
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