Thursday, 7 September 2017

Freedom of the Press.

Hello peops!

For various reasons including that well known condition of blogger’s block (ooh er misses), writers’ cramp (titter ye not misses this is an awful condition makes your wrist and fingers go all funny), illness, retirements, pregnancies, recruitment issues, changes in the team and none of the other issues that ever affect any real general practices in the UK to their detriment, if you believe certain daily tabloids whatsoever at this moment in time, the team at ND Central have been off line for a while.

It does not mean that we have been idle in providing healthcare to most of whom do not need it, but for whom it is just a freebie (whatever), we have just not had time for posting for in contrast to all those “busy working people” who never consult their GPs we have, for some strange reason, spent our increasingly few and limited resources dealing with more “busy working people” who claim to need healthcare despite the population allegedly getting healthier.

So we at ND Central are no different to the rest of UK general practice just busy doing nothing other than drawing daily lots to see which one partner/salaried GP/GP registrar or F2 trainee doesn’t get to play golf each day and as a result has to do some work – just what Jeremy and the DoH believe is what GPs do daily while delivering 90% of UK healthcare for 8% or less of the total NHS budget. Bloody over paid slackers.

What we have noticed is that one of the few sections of the Press that once reported on general practice as it is now are restricting access to their material. What is interesting is that in order to access this you now need a GMC number.

While we know we are thick oop North it does seem that this action may play directly into the Party’s hand for does not the Party assure us all that General Practice is well, well-funded, fully manned, on track to deliver another 5000 extra GPs by 2020 and able to deliver appointments via such organs as NHS 111, pharmacists, walk in centres et al at all times of the day in the face of reality in the nanosecond you want it?

If certain more enlightened parts of the Press that report on matters General Practice veritas become more restricted in their release of relevant stories does not this accentuate the believability of Party organs such as NHS Pravda sorry NHS Digital or the Daily Fascist?

Interestingly full access to their content is allowed to all currently GMC registered doctors so if you are retired, a medical student or a concerned member of the public bad luck. Mmmm.

Does that mean that now certain once GP centered magazines will be providing “anonymized” data via GMC numbers to the Party to ensure that all GPs will be able to provide to their Party funded appraisers but non funded appraisees your GP who has to take time out from your healthcare to endure this retarded process proof that they are only reading Party approved Pravda articles via their CPD programme called appraisal?

Praise be for NHS propaganda and Party care. Other such state sponsored benevolences are available elsewhere in the world for free too and sponsor important healthcare development programs called missiles, Choose and Book, NHS Universities, NICE and so on.

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