It is very rare
that the NHS has anything to celebrate but a barely reported item in the
national media recently was left late into their bulletins to be barely mentioned. Now this is a story that has been a long time coming and reminds the
more senior in the team at ND Central of events over the past 30 + years here in
the land of socialized, and increasing ill informed media dictated, medicine. We have posted on this before.
In 1977 the last natural
case of smallpox occurred in Somalia following a worldwide immunization and
public health campaign. Of course the NHS managed to do better and in 1978
there were 2 cases in the UK in Birmingham one of which was fatal due to stocks
held in laboratories there for research purposes (allegedly) which are now only meant to be held in two labs in the
world one in the USA and the other in Russia. We believe that the NHS should be
proud of these events together with other previous successes in Birmingham like
British Leyland rather than regard them as an international embarrassment.
This eradication
was possible as the disease only occurred in humans and has no other vectors so
if you have sufficient herd immunity then the virus cannot survive as in order
to do so it has to find another uninfected individual in order to replicate.
This was achieved principally by immunization and isolation of active cases.
In lectures at
grunt school all those years ago we were told of this success and that other
diseases could be eliminated the ones in our minds are measles but polio is
another. If you achieve 95% of the population immunized the virus cannot
propagate and so dies ultimately to extinction (unless retained for “research” purposes).
The MMR (Measles, Mumps,
Rubella) programme of immunization in the UK was introduced in 1988 (we still have the original propaganda pack
which was worthless to us as we had survived all 3 diseases as children) and
would have been a potential success in the 1990s had not a certain irritant in
the ointment whom we shall refer to only as “Andrew” put his
big foot in it by a well-known scientific method called panic based on some genuine research and observations but not truth.
So as the Party
conference season was underway when we penned this piece with talks of re
nationalization returning to the agenda the NHS like the then nationalized British
Rail in the 1970s which ran on the adage “better late than never” has finally
pulled into the station called “elimination” of measles some 20 years later than
it should ever have been.
Of course like the British
Rail of the 1970s no NHS passengers will have been inconvenienced or harmed as
a result and if you have never seen a case of measles (last one seen by any of the team was in the early 1990s) or its consequences
sub-acute sclerosing pan-encephalitis (SSPE) (one only seen) then you will believe the sceptics about MMR immunization versus
the grunts on the ground.
Now “elimination” does not
mean no measles at all in the UK and as you can see from these figures. It
means that there are not enough new cases to ensure that with adequate, and
continuing, herd immunity the virus cannot continue to survive and could
ultimately be eliminated from the world – like smallpox unless held in labs but
with DNA technology this may not be strictly necessary.
So as the old expression
goes the price of freedom is eternal vigilance so please dear reader do not
think that measles is so longer here and not have your child or grandchild,
great grandchild or great great grandchild vaccinated.
Sanitation and vaccination
are modern day successes that have saved more lives than antibiotics and yet
these relatively simple changes can and could save millions, and improve millions
more lives and yet idiots political, religious and we at ND Central are ashamed
to say some medical think otherwise despite the science and continue to spout
false science across the world for their own perverted and retarded reasons (self-centered gains at the expense of
others’ suffering).
The unsung heroes
of this NHS statistical success will be mostly practice nurses and health
visitors working in mainly GP practices and child health clinics over the
decades. We have to give credit to our Public Health colleagues for organizing
this but they did not do the delivery over the many years.
In other words primary care
who for years, nay decades, have been promoting MMR immunization as something
useful and having to counter the media machine of ill informed, unscientific non
facts on a daily, yearly and decade by decade basis to new Mums and Dads and the
NHS will not be thanking these dedicated professionals for what they have
achieved to date but we will.
However they will need to
continue to promote it for years to come until the NHS and the rest of the
world catches up with America and sees see their 120 cases in a population of 320
million (2016) versus the UK 547 cases in a population of 65.6 million (2016).
The Party line is here.
This is but a limited
victory for GPs and for their staff for their success for it will still only
take one idiot of a teacher to look at a well child with a rash and to declare
it to be measles and then report via a protocol to a school nurse in an office
not based in any school neither of whom will have seen a case of real measles
to generate panic.
And so the part
time office based school nurse issues leaflets declaring that measles is in de house and prints off loads of A4
pieces of paper about measles to hand out at school gates to parents and so
justifies their NHS productivity = I printed off 14000 letters this afternoon and
my arse never left this chair true NHS nurse efficiency for their annual
assessment of retardation called appraisal. No doubt embellished by a personal
statement and reflection that their prompt action prevented a major measles
The result? No
real cases of measles but as many general practices know they are suddenly inundated
by the worried thick who have heard on social media that someone 15 times
removed from them in terms of schools has a rash and it is MEASLES the school
nurse SAYS SO on this piece of paper. Patient then spends 2 minutes accessing idiotphone and
finding photo from a friend’s phone 15 times removed from the original piece of paper to show their GP in a 10 minute
consultation while Johnny or Joanna Scrot trashes the toys with no rash visible.
Measles a
disease that it is completely possible to eliminate it but for the thick.
Praise be to the
Party for achieving something useful using so many unsung heroes, not rewarding any of
them in anyway and allowing the thick continued credence and publicity of their own retarded theories for decades despite increasing regulation of professionals but never the media.
Measles and
polio remain diseases that are completely eliminable from the world but for the
thick and the nutters. Praise be for religion and ignorance. 2 of the greatest
inhibiters of improving human healthcare on the planet and all still totally